We Bring In New Inventory Every Week

Up to 70% off

Thousands of Deals Available Everyday

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Why choose us

Same Day In store Pick Up

Place order online & Pick Up at the store the same day.

Secure Checkout

Store Check Out Is secured and processed by Stripe Payment Gateway.

Easy Returns

In store returns are 7 Day and Online returns are 30 day Return policy.

Great prices. Absolutely amazing. During covid they are one of the most reliable businesses.
Charles mac-lure
Nice variety of items, some good prices, some overpriced. Also they are a Uhaul Dealership, Super convenient.
Michael Jedd
Always something new! Prices are just perfect!!!
Ali Hamza

Inside Look

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In store Service for Convenience

West Seneca U-Haul Dealership

Rent The Best U-haul Equipment for your next move from 716 Amazon Liquidators.

One of the only locations in the area to host our own customer service for U-haul

When You rent from us you receive a 15% additional Coupon to use in our store. 

We strive to save you money every day and in everyway. 

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